Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Should we forgive John Mayer???

There has been much buzz about this infamous interview and I know my fellow bloggers that you have been up most of the night tormented with this decision - do we or don't we forgive him????? This IS the question that plagues us for 2010.

So to help you in this ever weighing decision here are some facts for you:

1. The article was in the upstanding and respectable magazine Playboy. We all know that Playboy is known for its articles and witty and remarkable interviews. I mean Pamela Anderson would be a nobody had it not been her heartfelt interview in Playboy. I mean the articles are the epitome of the highest education standard.....wait - there are pictures in Play boy? really? Hmmm I didn't notice. Hopefully Playboy wont be too upset by all the publicity it is getting and the extra purchases people are making to read the interview.....we can only hope that their reputation will not be ruined by John Mayer's promiscuous words.

2. He made Jessica Simpson out to be a Sex Vixen....who knew! I mean really? ? I thought she was still a virgin! Does Nick Lachey know about this? I mean $10,000 sex must be good sex.....why in the world would he divorce her? Someone should tell him. Its also good - since the whole Tony Romo and the mom jeans thing - we really haven't heard about Jessica Simpson...so its good we got to see how she was doing.....nice to check in on her once in awhile....

3. You KNOW he is going to have to make up for this...so you know hes going to do some kind of save the world concert or send a porn star to college - so remember this porn star when they run for president - and in their acceptance speech they can credit John Mayer's Playboy's interview

4. Now Brad and Angelina are going to HAVE to come up with something - cause really they just cant be out played by anyone or anything associated with Jennifer Anniston....look out adoption agencies - they must just go out and adopt 25 kids at once....

5. He intellectualized the N word! thank you so much John! I have been waiting YEARS for someone to do this! I mean its about time

6. Oprah has denied him an interview to apologize. Well to be fair she is really busy - and besides she is the end all and be all of her viewing populations decision making skills - so he may lose some fans there....but maybe if he does a good job of making up for this (see number 3) she will make him buy everyone in her studio audience a car and all will be right in the world.

7. OH just thought of this! If people start hating on him - his ticket prices will go down! Hot dog!

8. He called his unit a white supremist....lol.....Im laughing because I think that he doesn't date black chics cause he probably has a small unit....and they would laugh their ass off at him...this is all heresy...but Jessica Simpson might be able to tell us...or not.....she also thought tuna was chicken.....so who knows......

9. He now has a whole set of album material! If you ever noticed...his albums started with him being in love, then going through troubles, then a breakup - then this last one is an obvious torment of his life.......so now that he has made his life even more tormented he has a whole new set of materials!

10. Maybe Playboy will send out an apology......well they still havent apologized for trying to have a sequel to the Girls Next Door with those two idiot twins....or definitely overusing viagara....so probably not....

So its now time for you to decide.....do we forgive John Mayer....or don't we?

That IS the question!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

So what happens when Beyonce does put on her pants???

Numerous requests and reports have asked Beyonce to please start wearing pants. While we aren't sure why she refuses to wear pants, one has to wonder - what would happen if she DID in fact put some pants on?

The mini skirts she wears are cute - and we are all really proud that a curvy woman is shaking her thing - and deep inside we are all desperately hoping that she has panties on (and really, really hope for fullbacks). But, what would happen if she put on pants?

Picture this: You are sitting all cozy on your couch, ready for the Grammy's, you've got your Cheetos and your mug of hot chocolate and you are snuggled under a blanket - then all of a sudden Beyonce comes out and What the.......

A Cheetos literally falls out of your mouth - hold the phone - back the truck up......

Beyonce has pants on?????

What happened?

Next thing we know Jay-Z is using electronics in his music, Brittney is a sane, blonde virgin again, and Lady Gaga gets her clothes at the Gap?

Is this a world we want to live in? Is this a world that we want our children growing up in?

That my fellow bloggers is the question.......

Another question that comes to my mind is why the hatred for pants? They are comfy - they provide warmth, and they can be quite fabulous. I have thought long and hard about this and Ive come up with a few reasons....

One - she likes to feel the wind between her legs...

Two - Rhiannon loves pants....and we know all about that....

Three - Shes got a banging bod and hell - I might just walk around in a bikini if I were her...

Four - Her mom hasn't quite figured out how to sew that pattern yet

or my favorite

Five - shes Beyonce - she can basically do whatever she wants!

So Beyonce you go on with your bad ass self and your minis - shake what your mama gave ya - or in your case - designed for you - and keep on keeping on!