Numerous requests and reports have asked Beyonce to please start wearing pants. While we aren't sure why she refuses to wear pants, one has to wonder - what would happen if she DID in fact put some pants on?
The mini skirts she wears are cute - and we are all really proud that a curvy woman is shaking her thing - and deep inside we are all desperately hoping that she has panties on (and really, really hope for fullbacks). But, what would happen if she put on pants?
Picture this: You are sitting all cozy on your couch, ready for the Grammy's, you've got your Cheetos and your mug of hot chocolate and you are snuggled under a blanket - then all of a sudden Beyonce comes out and What the.......
The mini skirts she wears are cute - and we are all really proud that a curvy woman is shaking her thing - and deep inside we are all desperately hoping that she has panties on (and really, really hope for fullbacks). But, what would happen if she put on pants?
Picture this: You are sitting all cozy on your couch, ready for the Grammy's, you've got your Cheetos and your mug of hot chocolate and you are snuggled under a blanket - then all of a sudden Beyonce comes out and What the.......
A Cheetos literally falls out of your mouth - hold the phone - back the truck up......
Beyonce has pants on?????
What happened?
Next thing we know Jay-Z is using electronics in his music, Brittney is a sane, blonde virgin again, and Lady Gaga gets her clothes at the Gap?
Is this a world we want to live in? Is this a world that we want our children growing up in?
Next thing we know Jay-Z is using electronics in his music, Brittney is a sane, blonde virgin again, and Lady Gaga gets her clothes at the Gap?
Is this a world we want to live in? Is this a world that we want our children growing up in?
That my fellow bloggers is the question.......
Another question that comes to my mind is why the hatred for pants? They are comfy - they provide warmth, and they can be quite fabulous. I have thought long and hard about this and Ive come up with a few reasons....
One - she likes to feel the wind between her legs...
Two - Rhiannon loves pants....and we know all about that....
Three - Shes got a banging bod and hell - I might just walk around in a bikini if I were her...
Four - Her mom hasn't quite figured out how to sew that pattern yet
or my favorite
Five - shes Beyonce - she can basically do whatever she wants!
So Beyonce you go on with your bad ass self and your minis - shake what your mama gave ya - or in your case - designed for you - and keep on keeping on!
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