Such a small word with so much meaning behind it.
In one of my past employers we did a "Trust Walk". With this - we were put into duos. One of us was blind folded while the other took us through this mock obstacle course. The key was the non blind-folded person was leading us through the course - but they could not talk. They would have to push you to the right - push you down, etc.
With this you had to trust that the person was looking out for you, taking you in the right direction, had your best interest in heart, and would safely bring you back to the starting point.
For anyone with trust or control issues this was NOT an easy session.
while doing this session my leader who was trying to make sure I didn't fall down a slide was trying to get me to sit down. Being so intent on the slide - she did not see the bar that I eventually banged my chin on and bit my tongue. And lets just say it was followed by pain and some blood.
With this I easily could've whipped off the blind fold and yelled.
But after the pain passed I realized - it wasn't her fault. She was trying so hard not to have me fall that she missed the other obstacle. Something to her that she did not see as dangerous.
This seems so true in our own lives. Sometimes we fear something so much that we don't even realize that the real danger is approaching us.
We may try and try to avoid a specific situation or event and in reality what we are going through is worse.
We tend to make things so much worse in our head than they really are!
So how do we come to know and trust that in the end - it will all work out?
How do we allow the blindfold to be placed and trust that our leader will bring us back safely?
What I'm coming to realize is that we just have to do it.
Our blindfolds are on whether we want them to be or not. We can try to rip them off, we can try to see whats coming, we can prepare for the obstacle, cheat and look down through the part that's out a bit by our nose......but no matter what we do - we are never going to be fully prepared.
We are never going to be completely prepared. There will always be an unexpected event, something we didn't even think of that will come out and smack us in the chin........
So we must trust.
We must trust that our leader - whomever it may be- is looking out for us. They are weighing the consequences with us and when they do allow an obstacle to get to us - its more than likely to avoid a worse one.
We are never given more than we can handle. And at times it definitely feels like we are, but when we put that blind fold on and take that first step we must have complete faith and trust that our feet will land on soft ground and that as long as we trust our leader - everything will be OK.
Amen. I needed to hear that! Much love.